Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I was sitting in the Cafe de la Poste on the weekend. A man walked up to me and asked me if I was English. I told him that I am Canadian. "Ah, he said, I am a admirer of the English " and walked into the cafe. Several minutes later he reappeared with a length of bill tape in his hand rolled up like a cigarette which obviously had writing on it.
He handed the paper to me and as I started to unroll it he stopped me and said to wait to open it in another place. He then walked off.
The note told a short story about his grandparents who spotted a plane on fire with two parachutists descending. One they couldn't find or he had died, the note wasn't clear, but the other, who was English they hid in their barn from the Germans until they get him to the resistance. The note also said the his grandparents nearly died as a result of their actions.
A post script to the note said that his aunt was killed in the war because of the actions of a Sabotage and he signed off with "J'aime le peuple anglais".
He didn't offer his name or his hand which is quite odd here. And why give this note to a Canadian in a cafe with several English sitting in it? Odd.

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