Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's been a beautiful summer in the Minervois. We've had week after week of sunny, warm days.
One group that seems to have done exceptionally well over the season are the fish in the pond.
I lined a portion of the ancient reservoir that was used to service the pleasure gardens beside the Chateau. There were ponds and fountains with fish, ducks and swans. Long gone before we acquired the property.
I put in 5 gold and 5 orange goldfish in the fall. It must be a good environment for them because I counted one school of between 20 and 25 fish this morning. I've just started feeding them in the last few days which brings them to the surface. They are an array of colors now and a variety of sizes. Here's a not very clear picture of them. They haven't learned to pose for a shot. Perhaps I resemble a heron which are known to do a little pond fishing.

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